PrimeKey is pleased to announce the release of EJBCA Cloud 2.1.

EJBCA Cloud 2.1 adds more robust RDS/Aurora database integration options.


Improved Database Configuration

You can now select to join a node to an existing EJBCA database, provided you already have a database with an existing EJBCA installation. 

The configuration wizard also performs a check for an existing database with the name provided. If the database already exists, the installation will not proceed and you are given a Database Exists error. To resolve the issue, either change the database name or drop the existing database that was manually created.

For more information, see Database Configuration

New Features and Improvements

The following lists new features and other changes included in the release.

EC-145 - Wizard now allows for a "cluster join" and gives the option to join an existing installation.

EC-146 - Wizard will now not only check for database connectivity, but checks to make sure the database does not already exist for normal installations.

2.1.1 Minor Update to AWS

EC-147 - Database permissions not applied correctly on certain RDS instances where external IPs were not utilized.

EC-148 - Script that turns EJBCA Cloud node into an RA, VA or Root doesn't apply reqcertindb property properly.

EC-149 - Script that turns node into an RA, VA or Root doesn't execute SQL commands correctly due to whitespace in source file.

2.1.2 Update

EC-150 - Upgrade EJBCA due to Peering Issue

EC-151 - Upgrade MariaDB Database to 10.2.32

Upgrade Information

The following provides important information on changes and requirements to be aware of when upgrading.

For information on how to upgrade an EJBCA Cloud hourly instance node from one version of EJBCA to another, see the AWS Restore and Upgrade Guide and Azure Restore and Upgrade Guide.