Every event in NPKD is logged in the Audit Log table in the database with information about the event type and status, the administrator performing the event, and when the event was performed, and so on.

To list all logged events, click Audit Logs on the main menu.

Note that the Audit Log page displays the audit log entries and does not allow configuring the audit log.

Audit Log Access

The super administrator and the Auditor can see all audit log events. Other types of administrators can only see audit logs for events triggered by themselves and the PKD Scheduler.

Audit Log Filters

Use the following options to filter the Audit Log events to display.

  • Start Index: 1 is the latest log entry.
  • Max Count: The maximum number of log entries to be retrieved from the database.
  • Time Stamp: Audit logs can be retrieved for events that have been logged within a specific period of time. The time can be specified with From and To fields.
    • If From is  disabled, audit logs from the time of installation until the time specified in To will be retrieved
    • If To is disabled, audit logs from the time specified in From until now will be retrieved
    • If both From and To are disabled, all logs will be retrieved regardless of their timestamps. This is the default setting.
  • Access Control Filter: The "ACCESS_CONTROL" event type can appear frequently since it is the type of event that is triggered every time an authorization check is performed. Use the Access Control Filter options to filter ACCESS_CONTROL events. By default, this filter is disabled.

  • CSV export: Click to export the displayed events to a file in CSV format, see Audit Log CSV Export.

Audit Log Result Table

The Audit Log result is listed in the following columns.

  • Seq. Id: The event sequence number. Click the sequence ID to display detailed data about the event, see Audit Log Entry Details.
  • Time Stamp: The time when the event was logged.
  • Auth. Token: The SubjectDN of the administrator that performed the event. Click the list to filter the result table by this value.
  • Event Type: The type of the logged event. Click the list to filter the result table by this value.
  • Event Status: The status of the event. Click the list to filter the result table by this value.
  • Detail 1, Detail 2, Detail 3: Additional details.

Audit Log Entry Details

Click an event sequence number (Seq. Id) to view the Audit Log entry details.

Audit Log CSV Export

To export the displayed results on the Audit Logs page to a file in CSV format, click CSV export. You can apply the Audit Log Filters to filter the events to export and then optionally import the CSV file information into a spreadsheet application.