NPKD Installation
The following covers information on prerequisites, configuring and installation of a NPKD system and information on application server configuration.
It is recommended to run NPKD on the following platform:
- Linux-based operating system. NPKD is tested with CentOS 7.
- OpenJDK 8, 11, or 17.
- MariaDB
- Wildfly 10, 14, or 24. The installation instructions cover versions 10 and 14 only.
- Apache Ant 1.10 or later.
- OPTIONAL EJBCA ClientToolBox to interact with the HSM.
Operating System Accounts
Throughout the installation, the following operating system accounts will be assumed to be available and with log-in capabilities:
- root, This operating system account can be used for direct log-in into the servers at all times.
primekey, Must have sudo-privileges to install software and start services.
All commands in this NPKD Installation guide are expected to be run as primekey user unless specifically stated otherwise.
Primary Environment
Create the /opt/primekey folder by running the following command:
sudo mkdir /opt/primekey
BASHSet up the user and group ownership:
sudo chown primekey.primekey /opt/primekey
BASHSet-up the file permissions:
chmod 755 /opt/primekey
BASHUnpack Wildfly into the directory /opt/primekey/
Create a symbolic link to the Wildfly directory:
unzip -q <WILDFLY RELEASE>.zip -d /opt/primekey/ ln -snf /opt/primekey/<WILDFLY RELEASE> /opt/primekey/wildfly
BASHUnpack NPKD into the /opt/primekey directory and create a symbolic link:
unzip -q <NPKD RELEASE>.zip -d /opt/primekey/ ln -snf /opt/primekey/<NPKD RELEASE> /opt/primekey/npkd
BASHConfigure NPKD according to your specifications by editing the properties files under /opt/primekey/npkd/conf.
Define environment variables by adding the following lines at the end of /home/primekey/.bashrc (if the file does not already exist, create it).
# PrimeKey PKI Platform environment variables. ANT_HOME="/opt/primekey/ant" ANT_OPTS="-Xmx512m" JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java" #APPSRV_HOME="/opt/primekey/wildfly" PATH="$ANT_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH" export PATH ANT_HOME ANT_OPTS JAVA_HOME
BASHEnsure that Java SDK is installed and that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is correctly defined in the .bashrc file located in primekey users home folder.
Reload environment:
source /home/primekey/.bashrc
Configure Wildfly as a Service
Perform the following steps in order to add the Wildfly NPKD instance as a service:
If you plan on running multiple Wildfly instances on the same machine (perhaps on different port offsets), you should give the service a different name here, such as wildfly-npkd
Create the file /etc/systemd/system/wildfly.service containing the following start script:
[Unit] Description=Wildfly service mysql.service [Service] PIDFile=/var/run/ User=primekey Group=primekey ExecStart=/opt/primekey/wildfly/bin/ ExecStop=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID Type=idle TimeoutStartSec=600 TimeoutStopSec=600 [Install]
BASHReload the systemctl daemon:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
BASHAdd Wildfly startup to allow start-up on boot:
sudo systemctl enable wildfly
BASHStart Wildfly:
sudo systemctl start wildfly
BASHCheck if Wildfly started without any errors:
sudo systemctl status wildfly
Database Setup
For MariaDB, set
to "row" under the sectionmysqld.
sudo vi /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf
BASHModify or add the following option under [mysqls]:
[mysqld] binlog_format=row
TEXTRestart MariaDB:
sudo systemctl restart mariadb.service
BASHMake MariaDB run at startup:
sudo systemctl enable mariadb
Hardening of MariaDB
Do basic hardening and set MariaDB root password:
When prompted to enter the current password for root, click Enter.
Press [ Y ] to set the root password.
Enter MariaDB Primary environment DataBase root password.
Press [ Y ] to remove the default anonymous user.
Press [ Y ] to disallow root login remotely.
Press [ Y ] to remove test database and access to it.
Press [ Y ] to reload privilege tables.
Create the Database
Connect to mysql database using mysql client, with root db user:
mysql -u root -p
BASHCreate the NPKD database and a user and grant it privileges for NPKD database as root:
Run as DB Root User
create database <DB_NAME> character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci; create user npkd_user@localhost identified by '<DB_USER_PASSWORD>'; grant all privileges on <DB_NAME>.* to <DB_USER_NAME>@<HOST>;
SQLFlush all privileges:
Run as DB Root User
flush privileges;
SQLExit the MySQL client:
Run as DB Root User
Create the NPKD Database Tables
mysql <DB_NAME> -u <DB_USER_NAME> -p < /opt/primekey/npkd/doc/sql-scripts/create-tables.sql
Install the HSM
Follow the HSM vendor's instructions to install the HSM and create a symbolic link to the PKCS11 library in /opt/primekey/ (not necessary but will simplify typing):
ln -snf <PKCS11 .so LIBRARY> /opt/primekey/
If you will have both the TLS keys and the database protection keys in the HSM, make sure to have them on separate partitions since they have different purposes.
For the rest of the instructions, it is assumed that /opt/primekey/ exists
Set up Database Protection Key (optional)
Optionally, you may enable database protection. It works by storing a signature of each row in the database. Unauthorized addition or modification of data will cause a signature verification failure when database protection is enabled. It does not detect reversion of rows to an old version or deletion of rows (although the Audit Log records contain sequence numbers, which can be used to detect gaps in the sequence numbering).
Database protection is configured in the file NPKD_HOME/conf/ The properties databaseprotection.enablesign and databaseprotection.enableverify control whether signing and verification should be done. If the file is missing, then database protection will be completely disabled.
Soft Keys in File
Create a p12-file using the JAVA keytool utility and enter the requested information:
cd /home/primekey $JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias <DB_PROTECTION_KEY_ALIAS> -keystore /home/primekey/dbprotect.p12 -storepass DBPROTECT_PASSWORD -validity 7280 -keyalg <KEY ALGORITHM, tex. RSA> -keysize <KEY SPECIFICATION, tex 2048> -storetype pkcs12 -dname "<SUBJECT DN>"
BASHConvert the p12-file to a Base64 encoded file:
cat /home/primekey/dbprotect.p12 | base64 | tr -d '\012' > /home/primekey/dbprotect.b64
BASHEdit the database protection property file:
vi /opt/primekey/npkd/conf/
BASHChange the relevant parameters:
databaseprotection.keylabel.0 = <DB_PROTECTION_KEY_ALIAS> databaseprotection.classname.0 = org.cesecore.keys.token.SoftCryptoToken = = <THE ENTIRE TEXT IN THE dbprotect.b64 FILE> databaseprotection.tokenpin.0 = <THE PASSWORD TO THE dbprotect.p12 FILE>
TEXTSave the changes and exit the file editor.
Keys in HSM
For the following instructions, the tool EJBCA ClientToolBox will be used and it is assumed that EJBCA ClientToolBox is installed under /opt/primekey/clientToolBox.
Generate keys in the HSM:
cd /opt/primekey/clientToolBox/ ./ PKCS11HSMKeyTool generate /opt/primekey/ <KEY_SPECIFICATIONS, tex. 2048> <DB_PROTECTION_KEY_ALIAS> SLOT_LABEL:<SLOT LABEL>
The monitor output should contain:Created certificate with entry <TLS KEY ALIAS>
XMLGenerate a certificate request for the database protection key:
BASHSend the CSR-file to the CA and receive a certificate.
Install the certificate in the HSM:
./ PKCS11HSMKeyTool installcert /opt/primekey/ SLOT_LABEL:<SLOT LABEL> <CERTIFICATE FILE>
BASHEdit the database protection property file:
vi /opt/primekey/npkd/conf/
BASHChange the relevant parameters:
databaseprotection.keylabel.0 = <DB_PROTECTION_KEY_ALIAS> databaseprotection.classname.0 = org.cesecore.keys.token.PKCS11CryptoToken = sharedLibrary=/opt/, slotLabelType=SLOT_LABEL, slotLabelValue=<SLOT LABEL> = databaseprotection.tokenpin.0 = <HSM PARTITION PIN>
TEXTSave the changes and exit the file editor.
Set up Wildfly
See instructions in one of the following sections, depending on what Wildfly server you are using.