Request a document to be validated.

usage: validatedocument <-workername WORKERNAME | -workerid WORKERID>
Request a document to be validated by SignServer
-accesstoken Access token to use for JWT authentication.
Can not be specified at the same time as -username.
Can only be used with protocol HTTP. -data Data to send to the worker. -host Server name or IP address. Default: localhost -infile File to read data to send to the worker from. -keyalias Alias of the key in the keystore to use for authentication. -keystore Keystore with private key and certificate for client certificate authentication. -keystorepwd Password for reading the keystore. If keystore is specified but not this keystore password option, the CLI will instead prompt for the password. -metadata Additional meta data to send to the signer. The parameters should be given in the form KEY=VALUE. This option can be given multiple times. -password Password for authentication. -port Server port. Default: 8080 (for HTTP), 8442 for HTTPS and 8443 for HTTPS with client authentication. -protocol Method of interaction with SignServer. WEBSERVICES, or HTTP. Default: WEBSERVICES. -servlet URL to the webservice servlet. Default: /signserver/signserverws/signserverws?wsdl -truststore Keystore with trusted certificates to use with HTTPS. -truststorepwd Password for the keystore with trusted certificates. If truststore is specified but not this truststore password option, the CLI will instead prompt for the password. -username Username for authentication. -workerid ID of worker which should perform the operation. -workername Name of worker which should perform the operation. Sample usages: a) validatedocument -workername XMLValidator -data "<root><Signature... b) validatedocument -workername XMLValidator -infile /tmp/signed.xml c) validatedocument -workerid 2 -infile /tmp/signed.xml -truststore truststore.jks -truststorepwd changeit d) validatedocument -workerid 2 -infile /tmp/signed.xml -keystore superadmin.jks -truststorepwd foo123 e) validatedocument -workername XMLValidator -protocol HTTP -infile /tmp/signed.xml f) validatedocument -workername XMLValidator -infile /tmp/signed.xml -metadata param1=value1 -metadata param2=value2
g) validatedocument -data "<root><Signature..." -servlet /signserver/worker/XMLValidator -protocol HTTP