SIGNERTOKEN.CLASSPATHGlobal configuration property for the fully qualified class name of the Crypto token implementation to use. See the following sections for available Crypto tokens.
KEYALGKey algorithm to use when generating new keys. Only for Crypto tokens supporting key generation.
KEYSPECKey specification to use when generating new keys. Only for Crypto tokens supporting key generation.
KEYGENERATIONLIMITLimit for the maximum number of keys allowed to be generated. If set and set to 0 or a positive value, key generation is not allowed if the current number of keys equals to or is larger than this value. Default: "" = no limit.

Distinguished Name (DN) to use as issuer and subject DN in the self-signed certificate instead of the default one.

(warning) This property can be set on the worker that is going to use the key so that different options can be used for different workers.


Signature algorithm to use in the self-signed certificate instead of the default "SHA1withRSA".

(warning) This property can be set on the worker that is going to use the key, so that different options can be used for different workers.


Validity time (in seconds) to use in the self-signed certificate instead of the default of about 30 years.

(warning) This property can be set on the worker that is going to use the key, so that different options can be used for different workers.