TimeMonitor Configuration
The TimeMonitor is configured using the properties file conf/timemonitor.properties and additional runtime properties can optionally be specified in the TimeMonitorManager worker configuration. For a configuration example, see How to Configure TimeMonitor.
Application properties
The following application properties are configured in the properties file conf/timemonitor.properties.
The conf/ folder is included on the classpath when running the application using the wrapper script bin/timemonitor-in-background.sh.
If the application is run some other way, edit src/timemonitor.properties or make sure conf/ is included in the classpath.
Configuration property | Description |
signserver.managedconfig | When set to "true" the Runtime properties are not allowed in the configuration file but are instead queried from the SignServer TimeMonitorManager. In this mode, the TimeMonitor will start up disabled, meaning that the time server and NTP daemon will not be queried until the TimeMonitor gets an updated configuration from SignServer. In this mode, the TimeMonitor will query SignServer every 15 seconds. |
timemonitor.stateweb.enabled | Set to "true" to enable (or "false" to disable) the state web server (health check), see Logging and Monitoring. |
timemonitor.stateweb.bindaddress | IP address the server will bind to. Use "" to bind to all interfaces and give external access to the server. |
timemonitor.stateweb.port | TCP port to offer state information (HTTP) on. |
timemonitor.stateweb.threads | Number of threads in the thread pool handling incoming connections. |
timemonitor.stateweb.backlog | Maximum number of queued incoming connections to allow. Incoming queued connections exceeding this limit may be rejected. If 0 is specified a system default value is used. Sample value: "0" |
signserver.process.url | URL to the SignServer process that will handle the status update. Sample value: "http://localhost:8080/signserver/process" |
signserver.statuspropertiesworker.name | Name of the StatusPropertiesWorker that will handle the status update.
signserver.statusproperty.name | Name of the status property to update for time synchronization status. |
signserver.leapstatusproperty.name | Name of the status property to update for leap second |
timeserver.ntpdatecommand | Path to the nptdate command executable.
timeserver.ntpqcommand | Path to the ntpq command executable.
Runtime properties
The following runtime properties can be specified in one of the following ways:
- In the properties file conf/timemonitor.properties. To use the properties file, disable the signserver.managedconfig application property.
- Using the TimeMonitorManager worker in SignServer (with the signserver.managedconfig application property by default enabled).
For a configuration example using the TimeMonitorManager, see How to Configure TimeMonitor.
The following lists available runtime properties.
Configuration property | Description |
timeserver.ntpimplementation | Choice of implementation for executing NTP queries. Either "local-ntp-commands" or "builtin-sntp". Optional. As of SignServer 5.11, TimeMonitor is by default using its built-in SNTP support and the default NTP implementation is "builtin-sntp". Builtin SNTP (builtin-sntp) With this option, the NTP queries will be carried out by the TimeMonitor application using its built-in support for SNTP. No additional software is required to be installed in the system. Multiple time servers can be used for redundancy. The implementation queries all servers in parallel and chooses the results from the server that is first with answering the configured number of queries with success. The final values for time offset and delay are the average of the values from the chosen server. In case no server answered with success for the configured number of queries, if the time limit was up, or if any server responded with a kiss-of-death RATE limiting message, the response is considered a failure. Local NTP Commands (local-ntp-commands) This is the legacy option which relies on the local system to have the "ntpdate" and "ntpq" commands installed. See also the Application properties timeserver.ntpdatecommand and timeserver.ntpqcommand. If multiple time servers are specified the ntpdate command will be responsible for choosing which response to use. The leap second indicator will be queried using the ntpq command and receive its information from the local NTP daemon. Therefore, the local system must run ntpd (and not another implementation like Chrony). |
timeserver.host | Hostname or IP address of the time server that should be queried. Can also be a comma-separated list to use several servers. The list of servers to query will be passed to the NTP implementation (see timeserver.ntpimplementation). Sample value: "," |
timeserver.sendsamples | Number of samples (NTP packets) to send to the time server. For the Builtin SNTP implementation, this is the number of queries to send to each server. Currently, a response is required for each sample for that server to be considered successfully queried. For the Local NTP Commands implementation, this is the "-p" option of ntpdate and can be from 1 to 8 inclusive. Specifying a larger number of samples can give more accurate estimates but may take a longer time to execute. Sample value: "2" |
timeserver.timeout | Maximum wait time for a response from the time server (in seconds with decimals). For the Builtin SNTP Commands implementation, this is the timeout for each query so the maximum total query time would be at most roughly this time times the number of samples. For the Local NTP Commands implementation, this is the "-t" option of ntpdate. The unit is seconds, but fractions rounded to a multiple of 0.2 are supported. Sample value: "0.2" |
timemonitor.maxAcceptedOffset | Maximum difference (in milliseconds) for the local time as compared to the time server for the time status to still be INSYNC. |
timemonitor.warnOffset | Difference (in milliseconds) for the local time as compared to the time server when the state changes to SOON_OUT_OF_SYNC. |
timemonitor.statusExpireTime | Expire time (in milliseconds) to set when publishing the status to SignServer.
timemonitor.leapStatusExpireTime | Expire time (in milliseconds) to set when publishing the leap second status to SignServer. |
timemonitor.minRunTime | Minimum time for one round by the TimeMonitor. If checking the time and publishing the status is performed in a shorter time than this value (in milliseconds), TimeMonitor will sleep for the remaining time. |
timemonitor.warnRunTime | If performing one round of checking the time and publishing the status exceeds this (in milliseconds), the report state is changed to REPORTED_BUT_EXPIRE_TIME_SHORT, indicating that the time settings need to be adjusted. |
timemonitor.disabled | When set to "true", the TimeMonitor is explicitly set in disabled mode, meaning that the time server and NTP daemon will not be queried until the TimeMonitor gets an updated configuration from SignServer. In this mode, the TimeMonitor will only query SignServer every 15 seconds. |
For a configuration example using the TimeMonitorManager, see How to Configure TimeMonitor.