Fully qualified class name: org.signserver.module.signerstatusreport.SignerStatusReportWorker
The SignerStatusReportWorker is a worker that returns a status report for a configured set of workers. The information includes each workers crypto token status ACTIVE/OFFLINE and if available also the numbers of signatures that has been performed with the key currently associated with the worker. If the worker has a configured limit of number of signatures, this value is also included. This worker returns the report in the same format as defined for the SignerStatusReportTimedService.
Worker Properties
Property | Description |
WORKERS | Comma-separated list of worker names (signers) that should be monitored. |
Output Format
workerName=WORKERNAME1, status=STATUS1, KEY3=VALUE3, KEY4=VALUE4, ...
workerName=WORKERNAME2, status=STATUS2, KEY3=VALUE3, KEY4=VALUE4, ...
workerName=WORKERNAME3, status=STATUS3, KEY3=VALUE3, KEY4=VALUE4, ...
- Each line contains a set of properties for one worker.
- Lines are separated by a system dependent newline character (CR, LF or CRLF).
- Properties are of form KEY=VALUE and are separated by a comma and a space (", ").
- The properties workerName and status are mandatory.
- The property workerName is always the first property.
Property | Desrciption |
workerName | Name of the worker. Example: "sod71" or "sod72" |
status | Sstatus of the worker's crypto token and key. Either "ACTIVE" or "OFFLINE". |
validityNotBefore | The first date the signer is allowed to sign. The format is java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss z"). |
validityNotAfter | The last date the signer is allowed to sign. |
signings | The number of signatures that has been performed with the key used by this worker. |
signLimit | The maximum number of signatures this worker is allowed to perform, or -1 if there is no limit. |
workerName=Sod71, status=ACTIVE, validityNotBefore=2010-07-05 17:32:36 CEST, validityNotAfter=2010-09-08 17:32:36 EEST, signings=132, signLimit=100000,
Explanation: Sod71 has done 132 signings and is ACTIVE and validityNotAfter indicates that it can continue to sign until 8th September if not the sign limit is reached before
workerName=Sod72, status=OFFLINE, validityNotBefore=2010-07-05 17:32:33 CEST, validityNotAfter=2010-09-08 17:32:33 EEST, signings=100000, signLimit=100000,
Explanation: Sod72 has performed all of its 100000 signings and can not sign until it gets a new key and certificate.
workerName=Sod73, status=OFFLINE, validityNotBefore=2010-07-05 17:32:33 CEST, validityNotAfter=2010-09-08 17:32:33 EEST, signings=0, signLimit=100000,
Explanation: Sod73 has not reached its limit and is still in validity time, but is OFFLINE for some other reason.
workerName=Sod74, status=OFFLINE,
Explanation: Sod74 is OFFLINE and has no certificate configured.