This section describes how to configure and execute PKD Scheduler tasks.The PKD Scheduler enables you to automate NPKD updates and you can schedule download of recent ICAO PKD objects and, depending of validity checks, publish and/or unpublish the objects. You can schedule the tasks to be run automatically on a specified at a set time or run manually.

The PKD Scheduler configuration page allows Administrators to configure Scheduler tasks and schedule their time for repeated execution. For more information on Scheduler tasks details, see Operations.

Running the PKD Scheduler is a server operation and once started cannot be interrupted by any user. When a Scheduler run is complete, the PKD Scheduler page shows a cross-reference to the PKD Scheduler audit log.



Scheduled Time

Time in the day when the PKD Scheduler will run automatically.

Download ICAO Content

If selected, the Scheduler will download and import the ICAO PKD Conformant Content into NPKD. Otherwise it will skip this task and move to the next one.

Download ICAO Non-Conformant Content

If selected, the Scheduler will download and import the ICAO PKD Non-Conformant Content into NPKD. Otherwise, it will skip this task and move to the next one.

Scheduler Local PKD Version

Update Local PKD Version

If selected, the PKD Version will be recalculated from all the non-ignored objects stored in the database. When the calculation is complete, the scheduler will update the Local PKD Version. See Local PKD Version

Publish valid NPKD Content

If selected, the Scheduler will publish all valid NPKD content. In order to be valid, an NPKD object must not be revoked or put on the ignore list by an operator.

Rerun revocation check

If selected. the Scheduler will re-run revocation check for all non-ignored certificates in the database.

Unpublish revoked NPKD content

If selected, the Scheduler will unpublish all revoked CSCA and DS certificates. Unpublishing CSCA certificates will unpublish all its issued DS certificates, CRLs, and master lists. If "Rerun revocation check" was performed, this task will not run since all revoked certificate would already have been revoked during the previous task.

Unpublish expired NPKD Content

If selected, the Scheduler will unpublish all expired CSCA and DS certificates. Unpublishing CSCA certificates will unpublish all its issued DS certificates, CRLs, and master lists.

Sync Local LDAP content

If selected, the Scheduler will run sync operation on Local LDAP entries against the NPKD content.

Upload Master Lists

If selected, the Scheduler will upload to ICAO Upload LDAP all home country master lists that are valid but marked as not uploaded.

Upload DS Certificates

If selected, the Scheduler will upload to ICAO Upload LDAP all home country DS certificates that are valid but marked as not uploaded.

Upload Deviation Lists

If selected, the Scheduler will upload to ICAO Upload LDAP all home country deviation lists that are valid but marked as not uploaded.

Upload CRLs

If selected, the Scheduler will upload to ICAO Upload LDAP all home country crls that are valid but marked as not uploaded.

Create Database Backup

If selected, the Scheduler will create a backup of the full database (a MySQL dump).

Create Maintenance Report

If selected, a report describing the size of the database and each of its tables will be created.


Updates Scheduler configuration settings.

Save and Run PKD Scheduler

Updates the Scheduler configuration settings and runs PKD scheduler now.

The following displays an example PKD Scheduler page. Hover over a setting to display descriptive tool-tips.