Algorithm for the key to generate. The key can be generated as type asymmetric (key-pair) or symmetric (secret key), and either key type is determined by the key algorithm specified. For example, if RSA is specified as Key Algorithm, an asymmetric key (key-pair) is generated, and specifying AES generates a symmetric key (secret key). By default, key algorithms can be selected from a drop-down list with the common options (RSA, DSA, ECDSA, and AES). To manually specify another value, click >. Examples of valid values: If generating a symmetric (secret) key and the specified key algorithm name is not present in the predefined list of known secret key algorithms, the key algorithm name must be specified with the prefix "SEC:", for example: SEC:Blowfish. Currently, the secret key list contains the algorithms AES and DES.
If using the P11NGCryptoToken, the algorithm name can be specified as a long or hexadecimal constant value. For more information, see Secret Key generation in P11NGCryptoToken. |